Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Seeking Guidance from the Highest Court

 If you are following West Virginia politics you are certainly aware that the big issue at the beginning of this legislative session is the replacement of the state senator from Wyoming County. Just before the start of the session, the senator resigned to take another position. Normally the party to which the member belonged would nominate three candidates to replace him from which Governor Tomblin would choose one to serve the rest of his term. The issue with this case is the senator was elected as democrat but later switched parties and resigned as a republican. Both sides believe the replacement should come from their party. It has been determined that all involved must seek the State Supreme Court’s guidance and ruling as they determine how the state constitution applies to this situation.
This might remind us of our desperate need to seek guidance from God, the Greatest Judge, as to how His Word applies to the challenging issues we face in our daily lives. This is especially true for our leaders facing challenging issues and difficult days during the regular session.
This is why it is such a joy to provide the Capitol Bible studies where leaders can take time to focus on God and seek His guidance to apply God’s Word to their lives. This week’s Bible study focusing on Jesus’ claim to be “I AM” in John 8:58 helps to see why Christ indeed has the right to rule over all things in our lives.

  • Please pray as we meet each Thursday and for this series of studies that so clearly points to who Christ is and all He has done for us. 
  • Pray that leaders will indeed seek God’s guidance as they serve in the statehouse.

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