Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Devil Votes Christian Values

Dr. Russell Moore preached a powerful message entitled "The Devil Votes Christian Values: Why We're Tempted to Be Glorified Satanists Rather Than Crucified Followers". This sermon deals with our temptation to be taken with the kingdoms of this world rather than the cross of Christ.

From Dr. Moore's message:

"Satan ultimately has a power that is not found most importantly in moral decay or in cultural chaos. His power is in the authority to accuse.

"The power of accusation. The power of holding humanity captive through the fear of death and the certainty of judgment.Satan is not fearful of external conformity to rule. Not even to the external conformity of the rule of Christ--provided there is no cross.

"Satan does not mind family values--as long as what you ultimately value is the family.

"Satan does not mind social justice--as long as you see justice as most importantly social.

"Satan does not tremble at a Christian worldview. He will let you have a Christian worldview as long as your ultimate goal is viewing the world.

"If Jesus will receive the kingdoms of the world, this crafty serpent thinks, then he can hand them to him apart from the shedding of blood at the cross. Apart from the overthrow of the demonic powers through the empty tomb. Apart from a reconciliation between a holy God and a renegade humanity.If he can just bypass the cross--and get to the kingdom apart from the cross--then he will have everything that he wants."

From his conclusion:

"We're tempted for now to remain content with a flurry of influential, self-referential, and irrelevant power and glory. But they (the world) still don't listen to us. The day they listen to us is when the Spirit of God comes through what we are saying to point to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ."
This is a MUST HEAR message. Download or listen to the sermon here.

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